Target leads that work for the most
successful companies in your market niche
50 free data export credits. No credit card needed
Find up to 10x more companies and contacts than in your favorite B2B data platform
Creative directors working for creative agencies in Australia
190 companies
50 creative directors
with verified emails*
4400 companies
(many false positives)
696 companies,
118 creative directors
with verified emails*
Salesforce consulting companies in the US
497 companies
436 companies
711 companies
Deep groove ball bearings manufacturers in China
23 companies
2 companies
394 companies
Executives working for customs clearance companies in France
20 companies
20 executives
with verified emails*
94 companies
330 companies,
98 executives
with verified emails*
*- one contact per company was extracted in Apollo and Milda; only verified contacts were considered
Creative directors working for creative agencies in Australia
190 companies
50 creative directors
with verified emails*
4400 companies
(many false positives)
696 companies,
118 creative directors
with verified emails*
Salesforce consulting companies in the US
497 companies
436 companies
711 companies
Deep groove ball bearings manufacturers in China
23 companies
2 companies
394 companies
Executives working for customs clearance companies in France
20 companies
20 executives
with verified emails*
94 companies
330 companies,
98 executives
with verified emails*
*- one contact per company was extracted in Apollo and Milda; only verified contacts were considered
How it works
Build your ideal company list using one of Milda's 3 search functionalities, and export the firmographics and contact data to your database
Build complete lists of companies in your market niche in seconds
Enter keywords and find the most relevant companies with the right product-market fit.
Segment companies in your CRM/database
Upload up to 15,000 companies at a time & segment companies in your CRM by their product/service offering and current business momentum.
Find lookalike companies with the same product or service
Upload a few of your current B2B clients and identify companies that have the same or very similar product/service offerings.
Export firmographics data + verified emails for decision-makers
Get emails by job title, seniority or department. We only provide SMTP-validated and GDPR-compliant emails
with an average of 92% deliverability.
Use Milda's productivity-boosting features to your advantage
Ask Milda
Qualify each company based on your own highly specific criteria & save 90%+ time qualifying ICPs
Know first
Track selected companies & get daily updates about their key business events to your mailbox
Enrich data
Upload companies from your CRM/vertical and we will collect their data in 24-48 hours
HubSpot integration
Push company lists and verified contacts to HubSpot
Data export
Export company and contact data in an Excel file
Work as a team
Save and share result with other Milda Solo users
Data coverage
>95% of companies worldwide with a gross annual turnover of EUR 1 million
Worldwide, an estimated 10-12 million companies have a gross revenue of 1 million euros. Milda provides a nearly complete coverage of such companies.
>95% of international importers and exporters
We track companies in 198 countries. Find complete lists of importers/exporters in virtually any market.
>95% of startups
We track start-ups as they enlist themselves on social media platforms.
47 million business events, growing every day
We monitor 11 types of events in 35 languages, including new investments, partnerships, licensing/authorisation events, prizes won, etc. Overall, we capture at least 3x more events compared to other data providers.
Access to 275 million verified emails
We look for contact data in several leading data sources to provide you with the largest possible coverage of verified contact data. We return only verified emails with an average deliverability of >90%.
Real-time enrichment
We will enrich your companies’ data even if we don’t have it at the moment. As long as you provide a working company URL or email, we will enrich their data in 24-72 hours.
Target leads that work for the most successful companies
in your market niche